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How to Get Your Business Converting Customers to Sales

What to do if your business isn’t getting any customers or sales

Starting a new business can be exhilarating, but if your business isn’t getting customers, it can also be discouraging. To attract and retain customers, and begin  converting customers to sales, there are basic fundamentals that must be in place, and analyzing what isn’t working is key. Let’s do it!

checklist boxCheck your website – customers need to trust your business

Your website is the face of your business.

Your customer will make up their mind immediately if they think your business (your website) looks professional and competent. They will decide if they want to trust your business.

So it’s essential to make sure your web presence (your website or social media channel) is designed well, loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly.

If your business isn’t getting customers, iInvesting in SEO will also help improve your website’s visibility in search engines, and analyzing web traffic data will provide insights into your customers’ behavior.

checklist boxValue proposition: Are you communicating it clearly?

Your value proposition should be clear and your marketing message should be convincing to ensure that customers understand the value of your product or service. Customers need to see how your product can help solve their problems, and it’s essential to communicate this in a way that’s easy to understand.

To convert customers to sales, you need to address their triggers, their pain points, and help them understand how your product can remove or address those pain points.

You may need to test a number of ways to communicate the value of your product to your customer. 

Remember, it’s better to help the customer understand what they will get out it, than to tell them all the features of your product.

Focus on helping your customer see their future, if they buy your product.

checklist boxWeb traffic drives sales

Traffic is crucial for any online business. Organic traffic strategies such as content marketing and social media can help increase your website’s visibility, while paid traffic options such as Google Ads or social media advertising can also be effective in generating traffic.

Do you have a viable and effective traffic strategy in action?

Traffic means customers coming to your site. Customers translate to sales.

Roughly 1-2% of customers will order, on average.  That means you need to drive 50-100 customers to your site for one sale typically.

checklist boxMonitor your metrics:  know what’s happening on your site

Analyzing website data is significant in identifying areas that need improvement and measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. This will help you identify potential roadblocks to new customers making purchases, and you can use the data to improve your business and achieve profitability.

Use Google Analytics (it’s free) to get started in this area. It will tell you how many people come to your site, how long they stay, what pages they click on and how they found your website, among many other things.

checklist boxTarget audience – who are they?

In order to make sure that your products or services are relevant to the target audience – you need to know exactly who your target audience or customer is.

This will also help you know where you can find them, so you have a chance to expose them to your business – vitally important if your business isn’t getting customers.

Understanding your audience’s needs and preferences can help you tailor your marketing efforts to attract and retain customers.

checklist boxCompetitor analysis: what can you learn from your competition

Analyzing your competitors can help you understand what they are doing differently and identify opportunities to differentiate yourself. This analysis can provide insights into what customers are looking for and how you can better position your business to meet those needs.

Look up your competition and see if you can learn how they are driving customers, convincing customers, and achieving sales.

checklist boxCustomer feedback

Collecting feedback from existing customers can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement and potential roadblocks to converting customers to purchases. This feedback can help you better understand your customers’ needs and preferences and tailor your marketing efforts to meet those needs.

Talk to people who you believe are your target customers in the real world. Tell them about your solutions. See what they think.

Here’s more on how to conduct Market Research on your own.

checklist boxPricing Strategy

Ensuring that your pricing strategy is competitive and aligned with customer expectations can help increase sales. Your pricing needs to make sense to your customer or they go elsewhere (note: this doesn’t mean you have to be the cheapest!).

If you aren’t converting customers to sales, try conducting market research and analyzing competitor pricing to help you determine the right pricing strategy for your business.

What You Can Do To Get Started:

Begin by going over each of the areas above to make sure you’re putting your best effort out there for your customer.

Sometimes it’s a number of things that need to be updated if your business isn’t getting customers, and sometimes it’s just one or two. 

To summarize:

  • Analyze your website design, loading speed, and mobile-friendliness.
  • Invest in SEO and analyze your web traffic data to gain insights into your customers’ behavior.
  • Ensure that your value proposition is clear and your marketing message is convincing.
  • Use organic traffic strategies such as content marketing and social media to generate traffic, and monitor your metrics to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
  • Understand your target audience’s needs and preferences and differentiate yourself from competitors.
  • Collect customer feedback and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly
  • Ensure that your pricing strategy is competitive and aligned with customer expectations.