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Just launch!

The importance of launching fast, iterating and improving as you go

 Does everything need to be perfect before you launch?

 Validate your business ideas in public

 Learn from your mistakes early on – get feedback from users

 Build momentum 

 Save time and resources by validating your idea right away 

Product launch

Most founders are afraid to launch their new business, their “baby”, before everything is perfect. That’s natural to want to make the perfect impression to the world – but it can be a killer. Here are the reasons why you should consider launching quickly, getting feedback, and moving forward.

Does everything need to be perfect before you launch?

Starting a new business can be a daunting task, and it’s natural to want everything to be perfect before launching. However, many successful entrepreneurs and business experts argue that it’s better to launch a minimally viable product (MVP) and get feedback from the market as soon as possible. Here are some reasons why launching quickly and iterating on your product as you go can be a smarter approach:

1 Validate your ideas: Launching your product early allows you to test your assumptions about what your target market wants and needs. By getting feedback from real customers, you can validate your ideas and make sure you’re building something that people actually want to use. 

2 Learn from your mistakes – get feedback from users: No product is perfect when it launches, and it’s likely that you’ll discover some issues or areas for improvement once you start getting feedback from users. By launching early, you can identify these issues and make changes to your product to address them.

3 Build momentum: The longer you wait to launch your product, the harder it will be to get traction. Traction is a term that means customers, sales, popularity, and eyeballs.

By launching early, you can start building momentum and a customer base right away, which can be helpful as you continue to iterate and improve your product.

4 Stay competitive: In today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s important to move quickly and stay competitive. By launching early and iterating on your product as you go, you can stay ahead of the curve and make sure you’re meeting the needs of your customers.

5 Save time and resources by validating your idea right away: Building a perfect product from the start can be time-consuming and expensive. By launching an MVP and iterating on it as you go, you can save time and resources and focus on the most important features and functionality first.

Launching a new business quickly and iterating on it as you go can be a smart approach that allows you to validate your ideas, learn from your mistakes, build momentum, stay competitive, and save time and resources.

Don’t be afraid to launch your MVP and get feedback from the market – it can be the key to building a successful and sustainable business.