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What business can I do as a beginner?

Are there still small businesses that a beginner can start, without much money or skill?

There are!

businesses beginners can startWelcome beginners. Starting a small business can be an exciting and fulfilling journey for anyone looking for financial independence, flexibility, and the ability to turn their passions into profit. Whether you are a beginner with limited online skills or limited funds, there are many small business opportunities that can be started with just a few hundred dollars. In this article, we will explore just a few of the various small business opportunities for beginners, both online and offline, and help you find the perfect business that aligns with your skills, interests, and budget.

Why Start a Small Business as a Beginner?

There are many reasons why starting a small business as a beginner can be a great idea. Here are some of the most common benefits:

  • Financial independence (yes you want to make money!): Running a successful small business can provide you with the financial independence you need to support yourself and your family, or as a side hustle can supplement your income.
  • Flexibility: Being your own boss allows you to have more control over your time and schedule, giving you the flexibility you need to balance work and life.Some businesses like content creation even allow you to work remotely from wherever you are, even while traveling or living in rural areas.
  • Turning passions into profit: If you have a passion for something, starting a small business around that passion can be a great way to turn it into a profitable venture. If you know and love an area others are interested in, this is a good recipe for beginning your business journey.

However, it’s not all gonna be super easy. No. It will be difficult at times.  If making money with your own business was a cake walk, then everyone would have their own business, but it’s not for everyone. There’s a lot of hard work.

Starting a small business as a beginner can also come with its own set of challenges, such as limited funds, limited online skills, and a lack of experience. But with persistence, hard work, and a positive attitude, you can overcome these challenges and turn your small business into a success.

The key to starting a successful small business is to find an opportunity that aligns with your skills, interests, and budget.

It’s important to remember that starting a small business is a journey, and every successful entrepreneur started as a beginner. So, if you’re ready to take the leap, don’t let challenges stand in your way. With the right mindset and support, you can turn your small business into a success.

Offline small business opportunity ideas for beginners – these are just a few

  • Cleaning Services: Starting a cleaning service is a low-cost business opportunity that requires very little experience or online skills. You can start with just a few hundred dollars for basic equipment and supplies.
  • Car Washing Services: If you have access to a water source and a few basic tools, you can start a car washing business. You can start small and expand as you gain more customers.
  • Dog Walking Services: If you love dogs, starting a dog walking business can be a great way to turn your passion into profit. You can start by offering your services in your local area and expand as you grow your business.
  • Pressure Washing Services: Pressure washing services are in high demand, especially during the spring and summer months. You can start a pressure washing business with just a few hundred dollars for equipment and supplies.

Online small businesses you can do as a beginner

  • Online Selling: With platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy, it’s easier than ever to start an online selling business. You can sell a variety of products, from handmade items to vintage collectibles.
  • Content Creation: If you have a passion for writing, photography, or video production, you can start a content creation business. You can create and sell digital products, such as eBooks, courses, or stock photos.
  • Web Design and Development: With the rise of small businesses and startups, there’s a high demand for affordable web design and development services. If you have the skills, you can start a web design and development business and offer your services to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Social Media Management: With more and more businesses relying on social media for marketing and outreach, there’s a growing demand for social media management services. If you have experience managing social media accounts, you can start a social media management business.

How to decide which business to choose?

I’ve helped hundreds of people figure out their small business journeys, and spent a lot of time helping people with that question.

The bottom line is that nobody can decide this for you, it’s a really personal decision and it’s a mixture of your own interests, research, gut level feelings and risk analysis. Pros and cons. Likes and dislikes, Skills you have vs. skills you don’t. You throw it all into the mix and sleep on it.

Ask yourself when deciding on which kind of small business would be a good fit for you – ask ‘How soon can i earn my first dollar?‘. This is a powerful question.

Talk to friends, business people, relatives and those who know you and seek their advice too if you’re struggling to decide.

Come up with a real plan, a business plan (need a Business Plan template? It’s on that page, we got you!)  – something concrete that can help you see the path ahead and begin taking those steps. 

Here’s a list of resources that you may find helpful too, as a beginner looking to start a small business

  1. Small Business Administration (SBA): The SBA provides information and resources for small business owners, including information on starting a business, funding options, and government contracts.
  2. SCORE: SCORE is a non-profit organization that provides free mentorship and business advice to small business owners.
  3. The Lean Startup: This book by Eric Ries provides a step-by-step guide to starting a business, including how to validate business ideas, build a minimum viable product, and scale a business.
  4. Entrepreneur.com: This website provides articles, videos, and resources for entrepreneurs, covering topics such as marketing, finance, and management.
  5. Business Plan Templates: There are many templates available online for writing a business plan, including templates provided by the SBA and SCORE.
  6. Networking Groups: Joining a local networking group, such as a chamber of commerce or business incubator, can provide valuable connections and support for small business owners.
  7. Online Courses: Websites such as Coursera and Udemy offer online courses on a variety of topics relevant to starting and running a small business.
  8. Inc.com: This website provides articles and resources on a variety of topics relevant to growing and scaling a small business.
  9. Small Business Development Centers: The SBA operates Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) across the country, providing local assistance to small business owners.