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Testing and Launching Your Website or App: The Ultimate Checklist

Updated on May 16, 2023 by Tim Donahue

The Importance of Testing and Launching Your Website or Software Application

Launching a new website or software application can be an exciting time for any business or inpidual. Whether it’s a tool to help manage your workflow, an online store, or a blog to share your thoughts with the world, there’s always that rush of anticipation as you prepare to release it into the wild.  

However, before you do this, there’s something that is absolutely critical: testing and launching. Testing and launching are two different but closely related stages in the process of developing any software application. 

Testing involves checking for errors, bugs, broken links, page speed issues and anything else that could prevent users from having a seamless experience when they use your website/application. It is an opportunity to ensure that everything works as intended before releasing it to the public. 

Launching on the other hand refers to letting your website/application go live for everyone in the targeted audience to access. This is where everything you’ve worked on comes together and goes out into the world. 

It’s important because it marks a significant milestone in your project development cycle. While these two stages involve different tasks altogether, they are both essential steps towards ensuring success with any web-based project development cycle – be it for personal blogs or huge corporations’ websites. 

Without proper testing and launch phases thoroughly observed prior to going live with your project on the internet – many problems may arise which would ultimately cause users frustration resulting in poor reviews; thereby rendering all other effort put into design aesthetics, UI/UX design etc worthless. Regardless of what kind of website/application you’re launching – be sure not take these steps lightly! 

Pre-Launch Checklist

Check for Broken Links and Errors

Before launching your website or software application, it’s essential to ensure that all links are working correctly. Broken links and errors can disrupt the user experience and lead to a negative perception of your product. Testing each link on your website or application manually can be incredibly time-consuming, so use a tool like LinkChecker or W3C Link Checker to automate the process. 

Test on Different Devices and Browsers

Your website or application needs to work seamlessly across different devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Moreover, with various browsers available today (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari), it’s crucial to test that everything works as intended across all of them. You can use a browser testing tool like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs to perform cross-browser testing. 

Ensure Website/Application Speed and Performance is Optimal

The speed at which your website or application loads has a significant impact on user experience and engagement. If it takes too long for pages to load or if there is lag in functionality such as scrolling through content or loading media files – users may lose interest quickly. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify any bottlenecks in the performance of your website/application. 

Confirming All Forms are Working Properly

Forms are a crucial component of websites and applications as they allow users to interact with businesses directly. Before launching your website/application double-check that all forms are working correctly without any issues than can hinder the user’s experience. 

Double-Check Spelling, Grammar, and Formatting

Grammar errors spelling mistakes make you look unprofessional hence please take some time before launching for checking grammar errors spelling mistakes formatting. Remember first impressions matter so make sure you meet expectations of your target audience. Pay close attention to how you present your message so you can resonate with your customers and keep them coming back for more. 

User Testing

Recruit testers from target audience

Once you’ve completed your pre-launch checklist and fixed any major bugs, it’s time to start user testing. 

The first step in user testing is to recruit testers from your target audience. 

This can be done through social media, email campaigns or by reaching out to existing customers. It’s important to find testers who are representative of your target audience and who will provide valuable feedback on the usability of your website or application. 

Create test scenarios to simulate real-world usage

Next, you need to create test scenarios that simulate real-world usage of your website or application. These scenarios should cover a range of actions that a user might take while on your site or using your application. For example, if you’re testing an e-commerce site, you might create scenarios for adding items to a cart, checking out and navigating through different categories. 

Ask users to attempt to “break” your website or app – yes, you need to do this

Sounds strange, but your website or app should not be able to be confused, or to malfunction.  Users will accidentally or intentionally do all kinds of wild things from clicking buttons too fast, or in an odd order, or use the browser back buttons then got forward again and refresh the page, or whatever you can think of. 

The goal is that no amount of mistreatment should freeze your website or app, or allow it to malfunction in a bad or surprising manner.

Some common problems that can occur if you’re not stress testing your software:

  1. User can be double charged if they become impatient and click the Complete Purchase button too many times or too quickly
  2. User can complete a purchase using a fake card number such as “4444 3333 2222 1111”
  3. User can’t retrieve password if they lose it
  4. User enters a lot of information, such as on a Checkout page and then if they click back button for instance, the data is all lost, they become frustrated because they need to re-enter the data and they give up on the purchase
  5. There are many many more
Do your best to learn what to test for. Here’s a handy guide “What To Test For When User Testing Your Site or App”

Gather feedback on usability, functionality, and overall experience

Once you have recruited testers and created test scenarios, it’s time to gather feedback on usability, functionality and the overall experience of using your website or application. This feedback can be gathered through surveys, interviews or by observing users as they interact with the site or app. It’s important to ask open-ended questions that allow testers to provide detailed feedback about their experience. 

This information will help you identify areas for improvement and make any necessary changes before launch. User testing is a critical step in the launch process because it allows you to gather valuable feedback from actual users before releasing your website or application into the wild. 

By recruiting testers from within your target audience and creating realistic test scenarios, you can gain insight into how users interact with your site or app in real-world situations. Use this information wisely as it will help ensure that the launch is successful! 

Bug Fixing

Prioritize bugs based on severity and impact on user experience

While testing your website or software application, you must have come across various issues. Some of them might be minor, whereas others can cause major problems for the users. 

As such, it’s important to prioritize bugs based on their severity and impact on user experience. To do this, you can create a spreadsheet with all the reported issues and categorize them based on their level of importance. 

Issues that affect the core functionality of your website or application should be given higher priority than those that don’t. Similarly, bugs that cause problems for a large number of users should be addressed before those affecting only a handful. 

Work with development team to fix bugs in a timely manner

Once you have identified the most critical bugs, it’s time to work with your development team to fix them in a timely manner. Depending on the complexity of the issues, some bugs may take longer to fix than others. 

However, it’s important to keep track of progress and make sure everything is moving forward smoothly. Communication is key when it comes to bug fixing. 

Make sure everyone involved is aware of which issues are being addressed and when they are expected to be resolved. Regularly touch base with your development team and provide any necessary assistance or resources they may need. 

In some cases, you may need to decide whether it’s better to delay launch until all critical bugs are fixed or launch as planned and address less severe issues later through updates or patches. This decision will ultimately depend on how severe the remaining bugs are and how much they impact user experience. 

Remember: even if you’ve done thorough testing beforehand, there’s always a possibility that new issues will arise during launch or after release. Be prepared for any contingencies and stay vigilant post-launch by monitoring feedback from users and keeping an eye out for any issues that may need to be addressed. 

Launch Plan

Launching your website or software application can be a nerve-wracking experience. You’ve put countless hours of work into creating and testing your product, and now it’s time to share it with the world. To ensure a successful launch, you need to have a solid plan in place. 

Choose launch date/time carefully to minimize disruption to users

Timing is everything when it comes to launching a website or software application. You want to choose a date and time that will minimize disruption to your users. This means avoiding peak traffic times and making sure you have enough bandwidth to handle any spikes in traffic. 

You’ll also want to consider any other events or holidays that might impact traffic. For example, launching an e-commerce site right before Black Friday might not be the best idea. 

Communicate launch details to stakeholders (e.g., customers, partners)

Once you’ve chosen your launch date/time, it’s important to communicate the details with all stakeholders, including customers and partners. Make sure everyone knows exactly when the site/application will go live, what new features they can expect, and how they can provide feedback. 

Consider creating a marketing campaign around your launch that builds excitement and anticipation. This could include social media posts, email newsletters, or even paid advertising. 

Prepare for potential issues during launch (e.g., increased traffic)

No matter how much preparation you do, there’s always a chance something could go wrong during your launch. Make sure you have a plan in place for dealing with potential issues like server crashes or increased traffic. 

Consider hiring additional staff or outsourcing support during the launch period so that you have extra help on hand if needed. Planning is key when it comes to launching your website or software application. 

Choose your timing carefully, communicate effectively with stakeholders, and prepare for any potential issues that may arise. With the right plan in place, your launch will be a success. 

Post-Launch Monitoring

Congratulations! You’ve launched your website or software application. 

However, the work doesn’t stop there. It’s important to keep a close eye on your new platform to ensure that it continues to run smoothly and meet the needs of your users. 

Monitor website/application performance post-launch

After launch, it’s vital to monitor the performance of your website or application continuously. This includes keeping track of page load times, response times for user interactions like button clicks and form submissions, and tracking any other metrics that are important for your project. Use monitoring tools like Google Analytics or Pingdom to keep tabs on how quickly pages are loading and what elements might be slowing them down. 

Address any issues that arise quickly

No matter how thoroughly you tested before launch, there will always be unexpected issues that arise after going live. When an issue is discovered, address it as soon as possible so it doesn’t negatively impact the user experience for long periods of time. Consider setting up a support ticket system so users can report any issues they encounter directly to you. 

Analyze user behavior data to optimize the site/application

Gathering user behavior data post-launch can help you understand how visitors use your site or application and where they encounter problems. Use feedback from surveys or by analyzing traffic data from Google Analytics or other tools to identify areas where improvements can be made. Make changes based on what you’ve learned from this data analysis, then test again before making further improvements. 

Remember: launching a website or software application is just the beginning of an ongoing process of refinement and improvement. Keep monitoring performance data, fixing issues promptly when they arise, and optimizing your platform based on user behavior feedback for a successful product in the long run! 

ConclusionRecap importance of testing and launching a website or software application

In today’s digital age, a website or software application is often the first point of contact with potential customers. Therefore, it is crucial to make a great first impression by delivering a seamless user experience. Testing and launching your website or software application ensures that it is free from errors, fast, and provides optimal usability – features that are essential for customer satisfaction. Encourage ongoing monitoring and optimization

Website technology changes rapidly as do customer needs and preferences. Therefore, it is essential to have an ongoing monitoring plan to ensure the performance of your website or software application remains optimal. Regular checks on site speed, user behavior data analysis, bug tracking, and feedback from users are some examples of what should be done regularly. 

Keep in mind that optimization doesn’t mean just fixing problems as they arise — it’s also about continuously improving your product based on data insights. So don’t let go of the momentum after launch day! 

Plan for regular optimization efforts to keep users happy and engaged with your site/application. Testing and launching a website or software application requires effort but will pay off in the long run. 

You’ll gain valuable insights into what potential customers like (and don’t like) about your product; plus you’ll get an opportunity for continuous improvement based on those insights. Remember: happy customers are loyal customers! 

tim donahue

Published by:
Tim Donahue
Updated on May 16, 2023