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Do I Need to be a Computer Whiz to Sell Online?

Learning to post, upload images, respond to customers and set up a payment account are needed, but you can learn these

As an entrepreneurial expert once said, “If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.” Today, building your dream could mean starting a business and selling products online.

But if you’re not tech-savvy, the idea of setting up an online store might seem overwhelming. So, let’s answer the big question: Do you need to be a computer whiz to sell online?

What is the Easiest, Fastest Way to Start Selling Things Online?

The easiest and fastest way to start selling things online is by using established marketplaces like eBay, OfferUp, and Etsy. These platforms make it easy for anyone to set up an account and start selling within minutes. You don’t need a standalone website, and you don’t need to worry about driving traffic or marketing your products. The platform takes care of all that for you.

computer skills for online selling

What You Can Do: If you’re just getting started, sign up for one of these platforms and start listing your products. Be sure to provide detailed descriptions and high-quality photos to attract potential customers.

What Kinds of Skills Do I Need to Sell Things Online?

The skills you need to sell things online depend on the platform you choose. For example, eBay, OfferUp, and Etsy are relatively easy to use, and you don’t need any special skills to get started. However, if you want to set up your own e-commerce store using platforms like Shopify or WordPress, you’ll need some technical know-how. You’ll need to understand how to set up a website, manage a domain name, and use various plugins and integrations to customize your store.

What You Can Do: If you’re not tech-savvy, start with a platform that doesn’t require any technical skills. If you’re interested in creating your own store, consider taking an online course or hiring a web developer to help you set it up.

Do I Need a Lot of Computer Skills? Do I Need to be a Computer Whiz to Make Money Online?

website for small businessThe truth is, you don’t need to be a computer whiz to sell things online. Most e-commerce platforms are designed to be user-friendly, and you don’t need any special technical skills to get started. However, having basic computer skills can certainly make the process easier. You’ll need to know how to use a web browser, upload photos, and create basic listings. It’s also helpful to understand how to use social media and digital marketing tools to promote your products.

What You Can Do: Don’t let a lack of technical skills hold you back from starting your own online business. Start with a platform that is easy to use, and take advantage of the many free resources available online to improve your skills. And remember, practice makes perfect!

Where can I learn the skills I need?

If you want to start selling online, but feel like you don’t have the necessary skills, there are many resources available to help you learn. The best place to start is with the platform you want to use. For example, if you’re planning on selling on Etsy, they have a seller handbook with tips and resources. There are also many online courses, YouTube videos, and articles that can help you learn the skills you need.

What You Can Do: Search online for free resources and tutorials related to the platform you want to use. Take a course or watch a YouTube video to learn the basics.

How long will it take me to start making money online, if I am not really great on the computer?

The time it takes to start making money online depends on many factors, including the platform you’re using, the products you’re selling, and your marketing strategy. If you’re not great on the computer, it may take you longer to learn the necessary skills and set up your store. However, with dedication and perseverance, you can start making money online in a matter of weeks or months.

What You Can Do: Be patient and take the time to learn the necessary skills. Don’t expect to make money right away, but keep working at it and stay focused on your goals. 

What are the 6 most amazing sites or resources where I can LEARN the things I need to know to get good at ecommerce and selling online?

If you’re looking to learn the skills you need to sell online, there are many amazing sites and resources available. Here are six of the best:

Shopify Courses – A free resource from Shopify with courses, webinars, and guides to help you learn everything you need to know about ecommerce.

YouTube – Amazing videos on virtually every single topic you could need for working online and it’s all free!

Udemy – An online learning platform with courses on everything from ecommerce to digital marketing. 

HubSpot – A comprehensive resource for inbound marketing, including email marketing, social media, and content creation.

Coursera – An online learning platform with courses from top universities and companies around the world.

Neil Patel – A marketing expert with a blog full of tips and resources on SEO, social media, and content marketing.

What You Can Do:

Explore these resources and find the ones that best fit your learning style and goals. Take courses, read articles, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in ecommerce and online selling.

Learn, learn, learn!