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Crowdfunding For Beginners - Get Started Quickly

Updated on October 28, 2023 by Tim Donahue

The Comprehensive Guide to Crowdfunding for First-Time Entrepreneurs

Crowdfunding has emerged as an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs, artists, and even social activists.

A business no longer needs a wealthy benefactor or a substantial loan to bring an idea to life. With crowdfunding, anyone can have a chance to present their vision to the world and invite people to contribute.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the nitty-gritty of how to do crowdfunding effectively, tailored specifically for beginners.


Table of Contents

Understanding Crowdfunding

What Is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people.

Traditionally, acquiring capital was reserved for those with access to high-net-worth individuals or financial institutions. Crowdfunding has democratized this process, enabling anyone to participate.

This is how crowdfunding works:

If you want to make an app, or a physical product, or anything – you create a page on a crowdfunding platform that explains your vision and your product and you invite people to pitch in some money, small amounts usually and in return they typically get your product from you once it’s completed. 

Types of Crowdfunding

While crowdfunding seems like a simple concept, there are actually several types, each with its own set of rules and benefits. 

The three primary forms of crowdfunding are:

  • donation-based
  • rewards-based
  • equity-based

Donation-based crowdfunding is often used for social or charitable causes, where the funders do not expect any returns. 

Rewards-based crowdfunding is where backers receive a product or service in return for their contribution. 

Equity-based crowdfunding allows contributors to become partial owners of the company.

Why Choose Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding isn’t just about the money; it’s also an excellent way to validate your business idea. If people are willing to invest in your project, it likely has market potential. Additionally, crowdfunding platforms have built-in audiences, which can act as a springboard for your project’s visibility.

Crowdfunding Platforms: The Big Players


Kickstarter.com is arguably the most popular crowdfunding platform, particularly for creative projects like films, gadgets, and video games. The platform operates on an “all or nothing” model, meaning if you don’t meet your funding goal, the pledged money is returned to the backers.


Indiegogo.com offers more flexibility than Kickstarter as it provides both “all or nothing” and “flexible funding” options. The latter allows you to keep the money even if you don’t meet your goal. Indiegogo also offers an “InDemand” feature, which enables you to continue raising funds after your campaign has ended. 


GoFundMe.com is the go-to platform for personal causes and life events. From medical expenses to educational pursuits, GoFundMe’s focus is more on individual needs rather than entrepreneurial projects.

Comparing Platforms

While Kickstarter is ideal for creative endeavors, Indiegogo offers greater flexibility, making it more suitable for businesses that may need ongoing funding. GoFundMe, on the other hand, is perfect for personal needs but not optimal for launching a product. Choose a platform based on your specific requirements and the nature of your project.


Preparing for a Successful Campaign

Define Clear Objectives

One of the first steps in preparing for a crowdfunding campaign is to set clear, achievable objectives. These should be more specific than simply raising funds; consider goals like market validation, customer engagement, or scaling production. 

Develop a Compelling Narrative

A compelling story is crucial for crowdfunding success. Explain why your project matters, why it needs to exist, and how it will impact your target audience. This narrative will form the backbone of your campaign and should be consistent across all promotional materials.

Create High-Quality Media

Investing in high-quality images and videos isn’t just a good idea—it’s a necessity. Your campaign’s visual elements are the first things potential backers will see, and they have a significant impact on first impressions.


Marketing Your Campaign

Utilizing Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer an inexpensive way to reach a vast audience. Create shareable content that communicates the essence and uniqueness of your project. Regular updates and engagement with your audience are key.

Email Newsletters

A well-crafted email newsletter can serve as a direct line to potential backers. Segment your email list based on engagement levels to deliver targeted content. Offer exclusive updates and rewards to entice people to contribute.

Online Marketing Techniques

Don’t underestimate the power of search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising. Utilizing Google Ads can help you target a specific demographic that aligns with your project, while SEO tactics will increase your campaign’s visibility on search engines.

Getting Started with Facebook Ads

Facebook’s advertising platform offers unparalleled customization options. Start by setting a reasonable budget and choosing your target audience based on metrics like age, location, and interests. Creating compelling ad copy and visual elements will help draw attention to your campaign.

Next Steps You Can Take To Get Started

You’re now equipped with the basic knowledge needed to embark on your crowdfunding journey.

The next steps involve detailed planning, building a team if necessary, and preparing your promotional materials. The more prepared you are, the smoother your campaign will run, increasing your chances of success.

I hope you found this information on how to begin crowdfunding for your business valuable as you consider taking the leap into the world of crowdfunding – and good luck!

tim donahue

Published by:
Tim Donahue
Updated on October 28, 2023