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The Six Main Components of Building a Business For Entrepreneurs

1 Minute Overview:
The Six Main Components of Building a Business

Every business owner MUST deal with and understand the main components of any business. 

Here’s the quick overview for those who just want to know what the 6 main components of building a business are. Detailed explanation on the “Detailed Steps & Info” button above.

1. Idea, Research, Planning – Is the business idea viable?

  • Find a business idea / how to find one
  • Create a simple financial forecast to see if the business can meet your needs
  • Founder financial needs and Level of Commitment – Can the business make enough money to meet your needs, and are you willing to do all the work and commit?
  • Create a mini business plan to explore the big picture
  • Create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) / Prototype
  • Define your target audience
  • Validate your product in the real world by testing your MVP and talking to potential customers
  • Create a marketing plan
  • Develop a sales strategy
  • Complete a longer form Business Plan

2. Funding

  • How much funding will you need for the first 6-12 months?
  • Where will the capital come from? Self? Loan? Investors? Grants? Etc.

3. Legal and Tax Decisions/Requirements

  • Consider tax implications and decide on a business type
  • Establish your business entity
  • Set up your business operations, bank account, local permits, etc.

4. Execution and Team

  • How will you execute on your plans?
  • Who will you need to hire to get the business launched?
  • Product development
  • Brand identity
  • Testing and iteration on the product
  • Daily operations worked out
  • Hire a team as needed
  • Establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure

5. Marketing

    • Marketing plan
    • Sales plan
    • Website
    • Social media accounts
    • SEO for website

6. Launch and Growth

  • Prepare for launch, test the product and website thoroughly
  • Promote the launch for 1-2 months
  • Launch the business!
  • Analyze metrics and make adjustments as needed
  • Become profitable
  • Prepare for growth: Plans for growth
  • Execute on growth strategy

In conclusion, understanding and focusing on these six main components of building a business for entrepreneurs is essential for success.

Please review the much more Detailed Steps and Info for this topic with the tab above this article.

Detailed Steps and Info:
The Six Main Components of Building a Business

Starting a business is exciting and can be incredibly rewarding – particularly if it makes good money and meets your needs. 

But it’s also full of challenges and complexities. The goal of this article is to give you an overview of the main components of building a business for entrepreneurs, guiding you through each step to help you turn your ideas into reality.

We’ll be breaking down the process into six key stages, giving you a clear roadmap to follow and making it easier for you to stay on track. So, let’s dive in!

Before you start to build your business, it’s essential to understand the main components that will help you succeed.

In this article, we’ll be looking at six main areas:

  1. Idea, Research and Planning
  2. Funding
  3. Legal and Tax Decisions/Requirements
  4. Marketing
  5. Execution and Team
  6. Launch and Growth

By following these basic steps and focusing on each component, you’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving business.

Now that you’ve got an idea of what’s ahead, let’s break down each of these six main components of building a business for entrepreneurs and explore them in more detail.

1. Idea, Research and Planning

The idea and research phase is where your entrepreneurial journey begins. It’s common to go through several ideas before landing on the one that resonates with you and has potential for success.


This stage involves brainstorming, identifying gaps in the market, and finding an idea that aligns with your passions and skills. It’s important to be honest with yourself about your level of commitment and your financial needs, as these factors will play a significant role in the success of your business.

Once you have a solid idea, it’s time to put it to the test. You’ll need to go through a process of creating a simple financial forecast, a mini business plan, and an MVP or prototype to validate your concept.

Targeting your audience

Defining your target audience, talking to potential customers, and refining your idea based on their feedback are all essential steps in this process. It’s easy to forget that a successful business is built on a foundation of thorough research and planning.

Marketing and sales plans

Finally, developing a marketing and sales strategy will help you identify the best ways to reach your target audience and sell your product or service.

By completing a longer-form business plan, you’ll have a clear roadmap for your business and a better understanding of the market you’re entering. Don’t fall into the trap of skipping this crucial step – thorough research and planning are the keys to building a successful business.

Idea and Research involves:

  • Find a business idea / how to find one
  • Create a simple financial forecast to see if the business can meet your needs
  • Founder financial needs and Level of Commitment – Can the business make enough money to meet your needs, and are you willing to do all the work and commit?
  • Create a mini business plan to explore the big picture
  • Create an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) / Prototype
  • Define your target audience
  • Validate your product in the real world by testing your MVP and talking to potential customers
  • Create a marketing plan
  • Develop a sales strategy
  • Complete a longer form Business Plan
Perhaps the most important part of Idea, Research and Planning phase is that it’s mostly FREE. You can do all this to figure out if you really want to go forward and build our business (which will cost a lot of time, and certainly some money). This part is free, and it helps you decide whether to move forward or not.

2. Funding

Securing funding is an essential step in bringing your business to life.

How much money will you need?

Before you start seeking capital, it’s important to determine how much funding you’ll need for the first 6-12 months of operation.

This estimate should take into account costs like product development, marketing, and hiring, as well as any unexpected expenses that may arise. It’s better to be conservative and overestimate your funding needs than to run out of resources before your business takes off.

Where will the funding come from?

There are several options for funding your business, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. You could self-fund, take out a loan, seek investors, apply for grants, or explore a combination of these options. It’s crucial to carefully consider the implications of each funding source and choose the one that best aligns with your goals and circumstances.

For example, while taking on investors may provide you with additional resources and expertise, it also means giving up a degree of control over your business.

When approaching potential funding sources, be prepared to clearly communicate the value of your business and how it addresses a market need. Most entrepreneurs also forget that a realistic and well-thought-out business plan, financial projections, and a compelling pitch will go a long way in securing the funding you need to get your business off the ground.

Funding involves:

  • How much funding will you need for the first 6-12 months?
  • Where will the capital come from? Self? Loan? Investors? Grants? Etc.

3. Legal and Tax Decisions/Requirements

Establishing a strong legal and tax foundation is essential for the long-term success and stability of your business.

Tax implications are important

In this phase, you’ll need to consider the tax implications of various business structures, such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies (LLCs). The choice you make will impact your personal liability, tax obligations, and the way your business is managed.

Choosing a business structure

Once you’ve decided on a business structure, it’s time to formally establish your business entity. This typically involves registering your business name, obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, and setting up a dedicated business bank account. Don’t overlook the importance of getting professional advice during this process, as a lawyer or accountant can help you navigate the complexities of legal and tax requirements and ensure your business is in compliance.

Consider local permits and regulations

It’s very helpful to have a clear understanding of your legal and tax obligations from the outset, as failure to comply can result in fines, penalties, and even the closure of your business. In other words, taking the time to set up a solid legal and tax foundation will help you avoid potential pitfalls and keep your business on track for success.

Legal and Tax Decisions involve:

  • Consider tax implications and decide on a business type
  • Establish your business entity
  • Set up your business operations, bank account, local permits, etc.

4. Marketing

Developing a comprehensive marketing strategy is key to creating awareness and generating demand for your product or service. Your marketing plan should encompass a mix of online and offline tactics, tailored to reach your target audience effectively.

Develop a realistic and well-rounded marketing plan

This might include creating a website, setting up social media accounts, optimizing your online presence for search engines (SEO), and implementing traditional marketing methods like print ads and direct mail.

A successful marketing strategy also requires setting specific, measurable goals and tracking your progress toward them. This will enable you to refine your approach as you learn more about your audience and what resonates with them. Keep in mind that marketing is an ongoing process, and you’ll need to continually optimize your efforts to maintain momentum and grow your business.

Audience engagement helps immensely 

You should definitely consider engaging with your audience through a variety of channels and staying consistent in your messaging and branding. This will help you build a strong brand identity and foster trust with your customers. Remember that effective marketing is crucial for generating leads, driving sales, and ultimately establishing a loyal customer base that will support your business’s growth.

Marketing involves:

  • Clear marketing plan
  • Sales plan
  • Create a website
  • Social media accounts
  • SEO for website

5. Execution and Team

Executing your plans and building a high-performing team are critical to the success of your business. Start by outlining the specific tasks and milestones required to launch your product or service, including product development, branding, and setting up your daily operations. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you’re making progress toward your goals.

Hiring necessary team members or helpers

As you work through the execution phase, you’ll likely need to hire a team to support your efforts. Carefully consider the skills and expertise required to bring your vision to life, and prioritize hiring for these roles. Keep in mind that assembling a strong, cohesive team will not only help you achieve your short-term objectives but also lay the groundwork for future growth.

Measure your progress

Finally, establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure your progress and success. Monitoring these metrics will enable you to make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate your achievements. In short, a disciplined approach to execution and team-building is essential for turning your business idea into a thriving venture.

Execution and team involves:

  • Building the actual business
  • How will you execute on your plans?
  • Who will you need to hire to get the business launched?
  • Product development
  • Brand identity
  • Testing and iteration on the product
  • Daily operations worked out
  • Hire a team as needed
  • Establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure

6. Launch and Growth

The launch phase is an exciting milestone in your entrepreneurial journey, but it’s just the beginning.

Testing product and website extensively

In preparation for launch, thoroughly test your product and website, and promote the launch through your marketing channels for at least 1-2 months. This will help generate buzz and anticipation among your target audience, setting the stage for a successful debut.

Once your business is up and running, it’s essential to analyze your performance metrics and make adjustments as needed. This might involve refining your marketing strategy, improving your product, or addressing operational inefficiencies. The goal is to become profitable and establish a solid foundation for growth.

Develop a plan for growth

As your business matures, develop and execute a growth strategy to capitalize on new opportunities and scale your operations. This might involve expanding your product offerings, entering new markets, or pursuing strategic partnerships.

Customer retention and value are KEY

Whatever your growth plan entails, it’s crucial to maintain a focus on delivering value to your customers and staying true to your brand identity. By doing so, you’ll be well-positioned for continued success in the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship.

Launch and growth involves:

  • Prepare for launch, test the product and website thoroughly
  • Promote the launch for 1-2 months
  • Launch the business!
  • Analyze metrics and make adjustments as needed
  • Become profitable
  • Prepare for growth: Plans for growth
  • Execute on growth strategy

In conclusion, understanding and focusing on these six main components of building a business for entrepreneurs is essential for success. By breaking down the process into manageable steps and addressing each area, you’ll be better equipped to create a thriving business.

So, take the time to work through each component, learn from the experience, and keep pushing forward. Remember that entrepreneurship is a journey full of challenges, but also rich in rewards.

Stay committed, be adaptable, and embrace the learning opportunities that come your way. You can get there. Stay in the game!

main components of a business infographic