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18 Helpful Books for Entrepreneurs Getting Started

Jump start your journey with this list of helpful books.

These books are among the most popular and well-respected startup books if you check around online.

They are chock full of wisdom and experience from many business experts, including business builders, venture capitalists, growth hackers, CEOs, and tech billionaires. 

  1. The Lean Startup

    by Eric Ries
    This book is a must-read for any new business entrepreneur who wants to create a successful startup.

  2. Good to Great

    by Jim Collins
    This book is a classic that analyzes what makes some companies great while others fail to achieve the same level of success.

  3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    by Stephen Covey
    This book provides valuable insights into how to develop effective habits that will help you achieve your goals.

  4. The Innovator’s Dilemma

    by Clayton Christensen
    This book provides insights into why successful companies can sometimes fail to innovate and how to avoid this trap.

  5. The E-Myth Revisited

    by Michael E. Gerber
    This book explores the myth that small businesses are run by entrepreneurs and offers insights into how to run a successful business.

  6. Start with Why

    by Simon Sinek
    This book explains the importance of starting with a clear understanding of why you are in business and how to communicate this to others.

  7. Think and Grow Rich

    by Napoleon Hill
    This classic book provides insights into the mindset and habits that are necessary for success in business.

  8. How to Win Friends and Influence People

    by Dale Carnegie
    This book provides valuable insights into how to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with others.

  9. The One Minute Manager

    by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
    This book provides insights into how to manage your time effectively and get things done quickly.

  10. Getting Things Done

    by David Allen
    This book provides insights into how to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively.

  11. The Art of Possibility

    by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
    This book provides valuable insights into how to think creatively and unlock your full potential.

  12. The Power of Positive Thinking

    by Norman Vincent Peale
    This book provides valuable insights into how to develop a positive mindset and overcome negative thinking.

  13. Crucial Conversations

    by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
    This book provides insights into how to have difficult conversations and resolve conflicts effectively.

  14. The 4-Hour Work Week

    by Timothy Ferriss
    This book provides insights into how to optimize your time and work more efficiently.

  15. The Psychology of Selling

    by Brian Tracy
    This book provides valuable insights into how to sell effectively and build strong relationships with customers.

  16. Zero to One

    by Peter Thiel
    This book offers a unique perspective on innovation and how to build a successful startup by focusing on creating something new rather than copying existing ideas.

  17. Almanack of Naval Ravikant

    by Naval Ravikant
    This book is a collection of wisdom and insights from Naval Ravikant, a successful entrepreneur and investor, on how to achieve happiness, wealth, and success in life and business.

  18. In Search of Excellence

    by Tom Peters
    This book examines the successful strategies and practices of 43 American companies and provides insights into what makes a company excel. The author emphasizes the importance of customer satisfaction, employee involvement, and leadership in achieving excellence in business.