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Amazingly Helpful Books & Articles for Entrepreneurs

Updated on May 10, 2023 by Tim Donahue

Excellent and amazingly helpful books & articles for entrepreneurs you need to read

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking to expand your knowledge and skills? If so, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most helpful books for entrepreneurs, as well as insightful articles that can help you grow your business. These resources provide specific, actionable advice to help you succeed on your entrepreneurial journey.

A curated list of helpful books for entrepreneurs

This article features a carefully selected list of books and articles that are extremely beneficial to entrepreneurs. Covering various aspects of business, these resources will provide actionable steps and specific advice to help you succeed in your entrepreneurial endeavors. amazingly helpful books for entrepreneurs

Helpful books for entrepreneurs: The essentials

  1. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries – A must-read for any entrepreneur, this book provides a practical approach to launching a successful business with minimal resources.
  2. Zero to One by Peter Thiel – Learn how to create innovative products and build a monopoly in your market from one of the most successful entrepreneurs and investors in the world.
  3. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber – This book offers a comprehensive look at the common pitfalls entrepreneurs face and provides a system for overcoming them.
  4. The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss – Learn how to streamline your business, work less, and achieve more with this groundbreaking book.
  5. Traction by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares – Discover the 19 different marketing channels available to entrepreneurs and learn how to choose the best ones for your business.

Helpful articles for entrepreneurs: Mastering specific topics

In addition to the helpful books for entrepreneurs listed above, there are many insightful articles that cover specific aspects of running a business. Here are a few recommended reads:

Take action: Applying what you’ve learned

Now that you have a list of helpful books for entrepreneurs and insightful articles, it’s time to take action. Follow these steps to make the most of these resources:
  1. Create a reading schedule: Set aside dedicated time each day or week to read and absorb the information from these resources.
  2. Take notes and apply the lessons: As you read, jot down key points and insights that resonate with you. Make a plan to implement these lessons in your business.
  3. Share your knowledge: Discuss what you’ve learned with other entrepreneurs, mentors, or team members. Sharing ideas can help solidify your understanding and generate new insights.

Best books for first-time small business owners

Starting a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Here are four must-read books for first-time small business owners:
  1. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries – Learn how to develop a successful business model by focusing on validated learning, rapid experimentation, and iterative product releases.
  2. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau – Discover how to turn your passion into a profitable business with minimal investment and practical advice.
  3. Built to Sell by John Warrillow – Learn how to create a scalable, sellable business by developing systems and processes that allow your business to operate without you.
  4. Profit First by Mike Michalowicz – Transform your business’s financial health by implementing a unique cash management system that prioritizes profit.

Books for ecommerce and dropshipping business secrets

Ecommerce and dropshipping are popular business models with unique challenges and opportunities. Here are four books to help you succeed in these industries:
  1. Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuk – Learn the strategies and techniques used by successful ecommerce entrepreneurs to build strong personal brands and grow their businesses.
  2. The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping by Mark Hayes and Andrew Youderian – Discover the ins and outs of building a successful dropshipping business, from choosing products to managing suppliers.
  3. DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson – Uncover the secrets of building a successful online business through sales funnels, email marketing, and customer relationship building.
  4. Launch by Jeff Walker – Master the art of launching successful ecommerce products and services using the proven Product Launch Formula.

Business basics for entrepreneurs

Understanding the fundamentals of business is essential for any entrepreneur. Here are four books that cover the core concepts of entrepreneurship:
  1. Good to Great by Jim Collins – Learn the traits and strategies that differentiate great companies from merely good ones and how to apply these lessons to your own business.
  2. The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman – Gain a comprehensive understanding of essential business concepts and skills without attending business school.
  3. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber – Discover why most small businesses fail and learn how to create a business that can thrive without your constant involvement.
  4. Zero to One by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters – Explore the mindset and strategies of successful entrepreneurs who create groundbreaking businesses in competitive markets.
Remember, success in entrepreneurship is an ongoing process of learning and growth. By continually expanding your knowledge through helpful books and articles, you’ll be better equipped to face the challenges of building and scaling your business.


Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your existing business, these helpful books for entrepreneurs will provide invaluable insights and practical advice. Covering topics such as starting a small business, ecommerce and dropshipping, and business basics, these books will help you develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship. So, pick up one or more of these books today and start learning from the experts!

tim donahue

Published by:
Tim Donahue
Updated on May 10, 2023